Certified coaching curriculum

Welcome to the virtual spaces of noesis!

Great that you found your way to our homepage.

With this website we would like to inspire you for your projects about transformation management, organizational and staff development.

And, of course, invite you to cooperate with us. This could be particularly suitable if you are looking for the most recent and science-based solutions, if practical and sustainable strategies are important to you, and if you are looking for meta-methods to succeed in a complex world.

Are you curious? Then, have a closer look at our website... or get in touch with us directly: via email or telephone. We look forward to hearing from you!


You can get first insights into noesis here.

Why the pictorial world street art?

… this art movement eludes unambiguous categorization: it is rebellious and complacent, bulky and popular, simple and highly complex.* With this pictorial world we want to perceive the variety and energy that lies in this kind of art as an inspiration and metaphor for our consulting work. For the VUCA requirements (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) of a globalized, multirational and digital world of economy that we would like to meet individually, appreciatively and by giving impulses. With solutions that are generated from vision, understanding, clarity and agility.
*artspezial 2015 


How does noesis sound?

Unfortunately we cannot implement the entire VAKOG model on our website yet. Nevertheless, we would like to give you an overall impression of who we are and what we sound like ...

News from noesis

Leadership Tasks in Times of Crisis

Our training "Leadership Tasks in Times of Crisis" is currently particularly important and in demand!
In the picture you can see the contents.
Would you like to learn more about it? You are welcome to call us!


*We Love* impressions of our remote events and live online trainings

Whether it's a hybrid large group workshop or live online training - we are very excited about the possibilities and results we get from hybrid or live online formats!
Do you have any questions? Please feel free to contact us!

Photo credits: blocher partners/Ronny Schönebaum


We as consultants and trainers at noesis have been certified as live online trainers since 2015 and since then we have tested various tools for and with our costumers

facing the current situation, all of our formats are available as presence and online formats (modified accordingly) just like our coaching sessions.



I feel gifted working together with your group: we really embraced and cheered our differences!
It was truly a great group experience.


Paris as a Location for Training

#Phantastic Days #Great Job #Amazing Participants!
Thank You!
