Leading in the matrix-organization

Approximately 40% of the companies in the German-speaking area rely on matrix structures. This form of organization aims to fulfill the requirements of the increasingly pluralistic and multi-rational contexts in which companies operate.

Seemingly opposing logics and interests should be balanced in the negotiation processes in order to secure the efficiency and success of the company. In this process, managers have equal rights and are depending on the joint optimization of their objectives and interests. Experience shows that this requires an enhanced communication effort and great loyalty from all parties. Because communication loops, conflicts and delays are part of the daily business. Gaining suggestions and impulses how the own organization can be made more effective in this context, are the goal of this training seminar.

Contents of this seminar include:

  • Positioning: My situation in the matrix organization
  • Functions, benefits and challenges in the matrix organization
  • Leading in the matrix: Preventing evasive maneuvers and other varieties
  • Linking the interests of stakeholders
  • "Leading on demand": The model of  the liquid leadership
  • Cooperation & consence: developing political sensitivity
  • Constructive and target relevant dealing with personnel, structural and resource conflicts
  • Working on own practice-related issues